Quran as a whole is the guide for all types of races, people, and nations. The Holy Quran contains the commands and sayings of prophets, righteous people, and philosophers that guide and cultivate mankind. In many areas like “وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ” (الأنبياء: verse 107) Quran proves that it is a complete guide for the people from the beginning of the world to the day of judgment. Quotes on quran provides us with the path that we can solve social, ethical, and religious problems after reciting the Quran. We have brought these quotes on Quran for you and I am sure that after reading these quotes you will not be disappointed. INSHA ALLAH
“Islam is not about being better than you.
Rather it is about let me show you something better for you.”
“Never underestimate the power of Dua” (Anonymous)
“Allah knows what is best for you” (Anonymous)
“Allah is with those who have patience” (Quran 2:153)
“Be like a Diamond precious and rare,
not like a stone, found everywhere”
Quotes on Quran about Inspiration:
“You do not live on earth you are passing through”
“When was the last time you read the Quran? If you want to change, start with the book of Allah” (Anonymous)
“Allah makes the impossible possible” (Hadith)
“What you desire is what you want, what you have is what Allah wants” (Nouman Ali Khan)
“My sins have burdened me heavily. But when I measured it against Your Grace, O Lord! Your Forgiveness came out greater” (Imam shafi)
“The road of Allah is long, and we proceed on it as slowly as a turtle. The purpose is not to get to the end of the road But rather to die on it” (Al-Albani)
“What has he found who has lost Allah? And what has he lost who has found Allah?” (Anonymous)
“Allah has time to listen: Do you have time to pray”? (Hadith)
“Sins take you away from Allah, Salah takes you back to Allah” (Sahih-Al-Bukhari)
“No matter what your physical appearance, when you have kindness in your heart, You are the most beautiful person in the world” (Mufti Ismael Mink)
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“Dua heals all negativity, hurt, anger, worries, and depression.
Pray to Allah daily” (Sahih-Al-Bukhari)
“Born from different mother skins of all colors come together as brothers. That is the beauty of Islam” (Hadith)
“Is the reward of goodness anything but goodness” (Quran 55:60)
“You can search the world for happiness but you won’t find it until you start being content with what the Almighty has already given you” (Mufti Ismail Mink)
“Sometimes, all it takes is just one prayer to change everything” (Anonymous)
” Do not lose hope, nor be sad” (Quran 3:139)
“Take every day as a chance to become a better Muslim” (Anonymous)
“Stick to the truth, even if the truth kills you” (sahih-al-Bukhari)
Quotes on Grateful:
“Allah does not lay a responsibility on anyone beyond his capacity”(Anonymous)
“The heart that beats for Allah is always a stranger among the hearts that bear for the world” (Anonymous)
“Then which of the Lord’s favors will you human and Jinn both deny?” (Surah-Ar-Rahman)
“I should be grateful for the tough times because Allah chose me, though I was good enough to go through it” (Nouman Ali Khan)
“Over 151,000 people die in the world every day, I thank Allah for still giving me some more time to fix my Akhirah” (Anonymous)
“How can you not make time for the one who created me” (Anonymous)
“Trust Allah when things do not work out the way you want.
Allah has something better planned for you”
Quran quotes on patience:
“And that each person will only have what they endeavoured towards”(Anonymous)
“The bravest heart is the one that stays close to Allah, even when it is in pain” (Anonymous)
“Allah is never late he is just testing your faith and patience” (Hadith)
“O you who believe! seek help through patience and prayers indeed, Allah is with the patient” (Quran 2:153)
“Be Patient- For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers” (Anonymous)
“Indeed, there is ease with hardship” (Quran 94:5)
“Whatever issues from Allah is by definition Beautiful even if we can not see that beauty when Allah tests our faith and affliction” (Ibnu-Qayyem)
“And that each person will only have what they endeavored towards” (Quran 53:39)
“Allah does not lay a responsibility on anyone beyond his capacity” (Quran 2:286)
“When things are too hard to handle retreat and count your blessings instead” (Anonymous)
“Your sin is not greater than Allah’s mercy”(Hadith)
“It is difficult to be patient but to waste the rewards of patience” (Anonymous)
“Dua heals all negativity, hurt, anger, worries, and depression. Pray to Allah daily. (Anonymous)
“A moment of patience in the moment of anger prevents thousands of moments of regret” Anonymous)
“And when I am sick it is Allah who cures me” (Quran)
“Suffering is a gift, in it is hidden mercy” (Rumi)
“Patience is a pillar of Faith” (Hadith)
“Allah says: If Allah knows good in your hearts, He will give you something better than what was taken from you” (Quran 8:70).
“Forgiving someone is not just about doing good to another. It is also about healing a scar in your own heart” (Nouman Ali Khan)
“Allah is with those who have patience” (Quran 2:153)
“Trust Allah when things do not work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you” (Anonymous)
Quran Quotes about life:
“So what if this life is not perfect? it is not Jannah(Nouman Ali khan)
“The prophet (SAW) said: “There are two blessings that many people are deceived into losing: health and free time.” (Sahih-Al-Bukhari 6412)
“Allah knows what is best for you” (Anonymous)
“Peaceful is the one who is not concerned with having more or less” (Rumi)
“The more I see of the world the more I silently whisper, Alhamdullilah for Islam” (Anonymous)
“The life of the world is merely the enjoyment of delusion” (Quran 3:185)
“We are all born with spiritual wings, Islam simply reminds us how to fly” (Anonymous)
“Do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the hand of Allah” (Anonymous)
“Whether you speak in secrecy or aloud,(it is all same to Allah). He even knows the secrets that lie hidden in the heart of people” (Quran 67:13)
“A sincere call to the Almighty can change what you may have thought was impossible to change.
Never lose hope”. (Anonymous)
“The best attribute a believer can have is forgiveness” (Anonymous)
“Do not depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you You are in the dark” (Anonymous)
“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of al people until they change what is in themselves” (Hadith)
“You prefer the life of this world. While the hear after is better & more Lasting” (Quran 87:16)
“When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home” (Rumi)
“Knowledge exists potentially in the human soul like the seed in the soil; by learning the potential becomes actual”. (Imam-al-Ghazali)
“Imagine sleeping without paying isha and waking up in your grave” (Anonymous)
“A busy life makes prayer harder. But prayer makes a busy life easier” (Anonymous)
“When someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness” (Anonymous)
“There is no need to be popular and win the approval of others. The Almighty did not create you for this purpose. Stay true to yourself” (Mufti ismail mink)
“The prophet (SAW) said: if people knew about the reward for the isha and fajar prayer, they would come (to the mosque) even if they had to crawl” (Sunan Ibn Majah 796)
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